I’m 5’2” and many years ago I learned this fashion lesson: One size does NOT fit all. Salespeople would try to convince me that a sweater would fit everyone, but I was quite sure it wasn’t supposed to come down to my knees.
When I became a manager, I quickly figured out the same principle applied. I’m sure you know this too, but from time to time I like to use my blog to reconnect with the fundamentals. This is especially important since it takes time and attention to figure out our direct report’s individual needs, and sometimes we just get too busy to remember to do it!
We’ve all learned to be specific when giving feedback, but do you take the time to think about how many examples and what level of detail a particular individual needs? Do you notice how an individual responds to your emails? Does your tone shut them down or open them up? Does your direct report thrive on public recognition or do they prefer private praise? The list goes on.
So I’m asking you to re-commit to managing your direct reports in ways that match their unique and exact “size.” There’s a big payoff in motivation, loyalty, connection, and productivity.