Sherri's Blog

November 30, 2015

Retention! Part Three – Attention

One of my earliest blogs from 2011 was entitled “Falling in Love.”  It wasn’t about actually falling in love with your employees!  It was about the power of paying attention to the needs of the individuals who work for you – like you would for someone you cared about.  Four years later, with a more robust economy and lots of job movement, this is more important then ever.  So I bring you once again the story of Kevin and Susan.*

Kevin was a star performer.  Susan, his manager, believed your best folks want to be left alone.  At the start of the year, Susan and Kevin set goals and priorities and then she let him decide how to reach them, which Kevin appreciated.  Since Kevin was proactive about coming to her if he needed anything, Susan often cancelled their bi-weekly 1:1 meetings.  She thought her time would be better spent with some of his peers who were struggling.  She also figured he knew how much she appreciated him (he’d gotten a promotion) so she kept her positive feedback to a minimum.  Why embarrass him with too much praise?  She certainly didn’t want him to leave his current role so she avoided career development conversations. 

Kevin kept on producing, but one day he showed up with a job offer from a competitor.  He was leaving, and it wasn’t all about the money.  It was about  noticing the great work he was doing, honoring scheduled meetings, being curious about his career goals.  In other words, it was about the attention. 

*Names changed

November 18, 2015

Retention! Part Two – Clarity

In my continuing search for answers to the “retention crisis,” I was struck by a recent comment on the subject from one of my clients.  “Be clear!  Ambiguity is expensive.”

This reminded me of a 360 Feedback Report I once did.  

I was impressed by the deep loyalty and commitment that was shown throughout the interviews. While the manager was not perfect, it made no difference.  Her people said they had and would happily work for her for their entire careers.  Her secret? She provided clarity.  Clarity about whom the organization served, its core strength, how success would be measured, and what actions must be taken.  

Why is this so powerful?  Because one of the things we all share as human beings is a fear of the unknown.  And a leader who can transform our fear into confidence makes her people feel more secure.  How simple.  How powerful.  How critical for retention.

In Part Three of this Retention series, I’ll look at the power of attention.

November 6, 2015

Retention! Part One – Development

In the over-heated Silicon Valley job market, people are changing their companies like they change their clothes.  Well, perhaps not daily, but it can feel that way if you’re an executive reviewing your attrition numbers.  And everyone is looking for answers.  I’ve been re-reading past blogs looking for ideas to help.  One obvious answer emerged:  Development.  Below is a quote worth sharing again.  It came in response to the question:  Who’s the best manager you’ve ever had?

“My manager’s ‘true north’ is developing me.  She looks for every opportunity to let me try new things on the job and is always finding ways to help me stretch.  I really appreciate how honest she is about my current skills, and she’s great at clearly describing what it will take to get to the next level.  And she’s always encouraging folks on the team to partner up on projects where we can learn from each other.”   

There was no doubt about the respect this individual had for his manager.  Recently I learned he turned down some lucrative job offers.  His career growth mattered more to him, and he knew his manager would make it happen!   

Research also supports the importance of development.  The Corporate Leadership Council has said that effective development improves commitment by 29%. 
When you’re known as a manager who focuses on development, people want to work for you — and stay working for you.

In Part Two of this Retention series, I’ll revisit the importance of clarity.

March 3, 2015

The Power of NO

I’ve been thinking lately about the power and importance of saying “NO” as a management and organizational effectiveness tool.

I recently watched a TED Talk by David Grady entitled How to save the world (of at least yourself) from bad meetings which supported my perspective.

When it comes to meetings, we live in a world that Grady says in plagued by MAS – Mindless Accept Syndrome. And it’s sucking the life out of our days. He recommends asking organizers about the goals for their meetings and then making conscious choices about attending.

Besides being a great time management tool for you, it also helps the organizers focus their intention, which is good for the company. And if you thoughtfully consider who can attend instead of you, it becomes a delegation/development opportunity.

So, as Grady recommends, it’s time to say NO MAS!

I also recommend that you consider NO MAS for work requests that are beyond your team’s scope and/or bandwidth. Ask why the work is needed. Make a choice to do it or not. And, if you say “NO,” clearly explain WHY and WHAT other options, if any, you recommend. Doing this allows you to sustain your own work momentum and, at same time, show respect and concern for the requester – and these are very powerful things for you and your organization.

December 9, 2014

Time for a Personal Postmortem

Postmortem translates as “after death.” It’s not the most uplifting of titles, but it is an important management tool. Done at the end of project or process, it’s a meeting to honestly assess what went well and what could be improved. It’s an opportunity for team members to learn from each other and to make commitments regarding any needed change.

December seems like the perfect time to do a personal postmortem – to reflect on your leadership and contribution to the organization. In this spirit, I suggest taking a few moments to consider these questions:

What were my overall goals for this year?  Did I achieve them?

What did I do especially well this year as a leader? What could I have improved?

What risks did I take? What did I learn from them?

Am I happy and satisfied in my role? Why? Why not?

Taking time to reflect is an essential – and often ignored – element of leadership and the lynch pin of learning organizations. Use this year’s end as your moment to reflect.  And get a jump on your New Year’s Resolutions!